❧ Moon 200-322
➳ The Old Clans move territories due to unlivable circumstances. Reedstar, Dovestar, Sootstar and Rushingstar are at the head of this decision. This journey is especially difficult and many choose to stay at the old territory, among them is most notably Brindlenose (a former TempestClan Medicine cat), and Leopardstrike (Reedstar's daughter), Brindletooth (Sootstar's daughter), and Shalefoot. These four do not make their decisions lightly but choose to stay to care for those that are unable to make the journey -they never complete the journey for themselves.
➳ After four moons of travel the Clans arrive on the warm shores of the gulf and make their new home.
[ Making a Warrior from GulfClan? ]
Use the timeline [here] to fill in their past history.
❧ Moon 322-324
➳ Warriors of GulfClan begin receiving strange visions and dreams. The Clan consults their Leader over what they should do. A decision is not readily met.
➳ Back in the old territories some Loners and Rogues are dealing with dreams of their own. A confusion over their meaning drives a wedge between a relative peaceful territory causing an rise in fights over territory and prey.
❧ Moon 324-326
➳ Due to an increase in fighting the city becomes inhabitable to most Loners. Kittypets are kept inside more.
➳ Rumors of a dangerous rogue following begins to spread as the city falls to ruthlessness and violence.
➳ The forest sees an increase in inhabitants due to the plentiful prey and protected territory. Hawthorn remains undiscovered.
➳ Some Kittypets begin having strange dreams, many Twolegs believe they are sick and struggle to care for them. Many run away from their wooden nests at this point and become stranded.
➳ Strange cats that call themselves 'GulfClan Warriors' arrive in the territory.
❧ Moon 326 - 330
➳ Hawthorn is discovered first by a small traveling family. They spread the word of good fortune in meeting him.
➳ Nova appears in the forest and begins a rocky friendship with Hawthorn and takes a particular interest in Mulberry, his daughter. The two begin a love-hate friendship.
➳ Fighting continues among the rogues, though, per Hawthorn's request Nova limits his followers to the Singing Groves.
➳ Kittypets are either welcome into the forest or end up huddled next to terrifying rogues for safety.
➳ More GulfClan Warriors appear.
❧ Moon 330
➳ Cats from all walks of life congregate to the Lake. Rumors begin to spread about the significance of their dreams with everyone attempting to decipher the reasoning; just why had they all come back?
➳ [ You are here. ]