The Unfortunate Valley
Moon 76 - 100
It took the clans somewhere between four to five moons to establish themselves into this territory. They settled in a narrow stretch of gorge that was exceedingly difficult to divvy up among one another. This was made especially difficult since they all had just come from a devastating leave of cats. The clans no longer trusted one another to maintain order for the other and they had all become exceedingly selfish.
At this point in time, BreezeClan is absolutely left raw from the loss of their own leader. Having one turn on them in a rebellion made them incredibly untrusting of the other clans and they elected to seclude themselves from the others as much as they could. A cat by the name of Slatestar succeeded Ashstar. Very little is know about them, but many speculate that the cat was an older one who lived through the times of the watermonster. The cat is said to have an incredibly fundamentalist background and they were unwilling to make alliances and stuck to the code to a fault in order to maintain patriotism and strength.
For the most part, the clans came to a lukewarm agreement on how to divide territory. This statement would be proven to be untrue for the likes of CloudClan and ShadeClan; the two were fighting over what was at the time seen as a crucial stretch of land that would matter greatly to the other and neither was willing to surrender this territory. Both side was willing to surrender an undesirable marshland that was so wet that cats practically had to swim through it in places, but neither one was willing to settle for anything.
The conflict over the territory went to blows. The two clans, ShadeClan and CloudClan, bitterly skirmished over the territory whisker-length by whisker length. Both sides fought valiantly, but ultimately CloudClan was the victor of the war. This leaves CloudClan with more land to hunt on and ShadeClan the less than desirable flood-happy territory.
The territory that CloudClan had claimed was absolutely an asset to them. The territories' bird population was seemingly untouched and it lead to a lot of happy warriors. The territory would have been perfect if it weren't for a glaring issue that failed to rear its head until they ventured near the land's outskirts; their new piece of land was full of dogs. Aggravated by the presence of the clan, the dogs attacked CloudClan and left them to fight for their lives. The other clans were reluctant to lend help to them. Many speculate that this was due to Flightstar possibly being a potential cause to The Fierce Rebellion. Over and over again, CloudClan had to beat the dogs back and they eventually succeeded, but it came at a heavy cost; Flightstar had eventually died her final time as a direct result of the dogs. She was quickly succeeded by her deputy who went onto become Swallowstar.
It was at around this point in time where Smokestar decided to try what Slatestar had done; he chose to step back and have his clan fend for itself. He supposedly became somehow more cynical and even more untrusting of the other clans after seeing the terrible results of a war that gave the winner an essential death trap. His faith in the other clans was low. The negative energy; The Darkness theoretically played its part in this detachment from the other clans.
The territory that ShadeClan had obtained after their war with CloudClan lived up to their expectations; it certainly was a flooding hazard. In fact, not only did this territory manage to flood, but the water bleed throughout a massive portion of the rest of their land. This left them with very little prey and irritated paws. Out of desperation, ShadeClan cats started to hunt in the less-watched parts of the dog-infested territory that CloudClan had gotten. For a moon or so, it worked out for them and they didn't run into the alleged dogs that CloudClan had been complaining about; many were starting to think that CloudClan had really gotten rid of them. The ShadeClan cats got more and more gutsy in where they hunted until their careless actions literally came back to bite them.
After a set of particularly ugly battles with dogs, Sorrelstar lost his leg and a speculated large number of lives to a dog. His lack of a front leg caused him to step down his leadership position and he was succeeded by Stormstar.
At some point during this conflict, BreezeClan's Slatestar was succeeded by Lionstar.
LightClan's territory bursts into flames. Hardly any one cat managed to escape this without experiencing some semblance of loss, may it be physical or mental. This fire also rendered its surviving cats without a territory; the clans were living in a territory that couldn't stand to not be either heavily flooded, heavily burned, or heavily infested with dogs.
Slowly but surely, the clans all start living in one place again much like their mountain days. The clans start to gradually trust one another again, if not with a heavy sense of reluctance and desperation. Morale was low and the cats could only see their situation getting worse. After several moons, the clan's leaders start to discuss their options.
Smokestar declares the territory uninhabitable and that they should go somewhere else, Sparkstar disagrees with the older leader. Many start to claim that the territory that they live at is cursed. Smokestar strongly detests this for unknown reasons. This was even when some medicine cats believed in that theory themselves. The leaders decide to vote on deciding on staying or leaving and in a 3/2 vote in favor of leaving, the clan cats